

23 Mar 25 Mar

42e Journées d'Etude des Equilibres entre Phases

20 Mar 21 Mar

2016 International Conference on Advanced Materials and Mechanical Engineering

18 Mar 20 Mar

4th International Conference on Environment, Ecosystems and Development

17 Mar 17 Feb

14ème Colloque Modélisation et Simulation Numérique du Soudage

15 Mar 17 Mar

La 19E Rencontre du non linéaire

14 Mar 17 Mar

Short Course on Industrial Wetting

13 Mar 18 Mar

Ecole Energies & Recherches - 7ème édition : Sources, vecteurs, contraintes

12 Mar 13 Mar

5th International Conference on Advances in Applied Science and Environmental Engineering

10 Mar

Groupe "Transferts en Milieux Hétérogènes" : Intensification des transferts par changement de phase liquide-vapeur

08 Mar

L'analyse dimensionnelle : un outil d'ingénierie performant pour modéliser les procédés industriels complexes et maîtriser le changement d'échelle

06 Mar 09 Mar

ECO-BIO 2016: Challenges in Building a Sustainable Biobased Economy

15 Feb 18 Feb

Short Course on Atomization and Sprays

10 Feb 11 Feb

1st International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion

08 Feb 10 Feb

4TH International Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications

03 Feb 04 Feb

11th European Advanced Technology Workshop on Micropackaging and Thermal Management

03 Feb

Journée Micro-cogénération

26 Jan 28 Jan

Assises de l’énergie

24 Jan 25 Dec

2016 International Conference on Power, Energy Engineering and Management

23 Jan 26 Jan

2nd International Conference on Desalination and Environment

22 Jan 25 Jan

Groupes "Milieux Polyphasiques", "Energétique" : Les hydrates, de leur caractérisation à leur application

21 Jan


20 Jan 20 Dec

7ème Colloque Interdisciplinaire en instrumentation


21 Dec 23 Dec

3ème Conférence Internationale des Energies Renouvelables

16 Dec

Journée François LACAS des Doctorants en Combustion

12 Dec 14 Dec

11th International Conference on Heat and Mass Transfer

11 Dec 13 Dec

2015 International Conference on Energy, Environment and Earth Sciences

10 Dec 11 Dec

International Conference on Advances in Bio-Informatics and Environmental Engineering

08 Dec 11 Dec

4th Magnetron, Ion processing & Arc Technologies European Conf. 14th International Symposium on Reactive Sputter Deposition

07 Dec 09 Dec

14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association

07 Dec 09 Dec

14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association