24-27/06/2011 : ESAT 2011 - St Petersburg (Russie)

Du 24/06/2011 Au 27/06/2011

25th European Symposium on Applied Thermodynamics (ESAT 2011)

24-27 June, 2011  St Petersburg (Russie)

Download First Circular

REGISTRATION and more information: http://onlinereg.ru/esat2011


  • Thermodynamic Properties and Models
  • Molecular and Statistical Thermodynamics
  • Experimental Techniques and Data
  • Phase Equilibria
  • Transport Properties
  • Colloids and Interfaces
  • Petroleum Fluids
  • Supercritical Fluids
  • Ionic Liquids
  • Nanomaterials
  • Polymer Systems
  • Biochemical Systems
  • Product and Process Design
  • Sustainable Development (Resources, Energy, Environment,
  • Storage and Capture of Greenhouse Gases)


Address of organizing committee:
Department of Chemistry
St.Petersburg State University
26, Universitetsky prosp.,
St.Petersburg, 198504, RUSSIA
Phone: +7 812 428 4065
Fax: +7 812 428 6939
E-mail: esat2011@spbu.ru

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