10-14/05/10 : 5th ICTE, Marrakesh, Maroc


5th International Conference on Thermal Engineering

(10-14/05/10 Marrakesh, Maroc)

Web site : www.ryerson.ca/~ictea

The conference focuses on emerging research trends in thermal energy. The conference offers the opportunity to share research results and discuss new technologies, market information and consumer education programs. Both stand-up presentations and posters will be considered. Papers are solicited in all areas of thermal energy and its applications.

The conference main objective is to bring together researchers engaged in the application of experimental, analytical, or theoretical thermal and energy engineering. The suggested topics link between conventional and emerging research areas in thermal energy. Paper submitted to ICTEA05 conference will follow peer-review procedures. As part of the review process, high quality papers will also be considered for publication in specialized journals in the area. Conference attendees will receive a copy of the proceeding that contains all accepted papers.

For Further information please contact


Prof. Ziad Saghir           Email: zsaghir@ryerson.ca
                                     Tel. :    1 416-979-5000 Extension 6418
                                     Fax:     1 416-979-5265

Mailing Address:        Dr Ziad Saghir, P.Eng, Professor
                                    Ryerson University
                                    Department of Mechanical Engineering
                                    350 Victoria St, Toronto, ONT, M5B 2K3

Journée thématique