16-19/05/10 : ASME - Sorrento, Italy


Conference on Thermal and Environmental Issues in Energy Systems
Sorrento (Italy) 16 - 19 May, 2010.

The ASME-ATI-UIT 2010 Conference on Thermal and Environmental Issues in Energy Systems is organized under the auspices of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Associazione Termotecnica Italiana (ATI) and the Unione Italiana di Termofluidodinamica (UIT) with the aim of providing technical information to their members and to the scientific and industrial community at large. The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT) is providing co-sponsorship.

Researchers from universities, research institutions and industries involved in the organization will pursue the goal of providing a forum for the exposure and the exchange of technical information. The Conference will give the opportunity to discuss the state of the art and to present experimental, analytical and numerical results in Thermal and Environmental Issues in Energy Systems.

Abstracts in English should be submitted in pdf format by 13 November 2009 to asmeatiuit2010@unina.it. They should be no longer than 3 pages and contain information on research purpose, methodology, results and major conclusions. One page should typically contain relevant graphs and figures. The submission template should be downloaded from the conference website.

Authors will be notified by 11 December 2009 about the acceptance of their paper by the Scientific Committee.

Camera ready papers in English are due in pdf format by 26 February 2010. They will be collated on printed books and on a CD. Authors of high quality papers could be invited to submit them to an archival journal.

Nicola Bianco :Dipartimento di Energetica, termofluidodinamica applicata e condizionamenti ambientali (DETEC) Universitˆ degli Studi Federico II - Piazzale Tecchio, 80 - 80125 - Napoli - Italy
nicola.bianco@unina.it ph. +39 081 7682645 fax + 39 081 2390364

Sergio Nardini Dipartimento di Ingegneria aerospaziale e meccanica (DIAM)
Seconda Universitˆ degli Studi di Napoli - Via Roma, 29 – 81031 Aversa (Ce) - Italy
sergio.nardini@unina2.it ph. +39 081 5010347 fax + 39 081 5010204


Journée thématique