05-10/07/10 : GASMEMS - Les Embiez, France


GASMEMS (Gas Flows in Micro Electro Mechanical Systems)  is a project dedicated to the research on gases in microstructures. A network of 13 participants and 6 associated partners coming from all over the European Community provides fundamental and applied research in the fields of dynamics of gas micro flows and of microstructure design and manufacturing as well as applications in lab and industry. More details can be found on www.gasmems.eu.

The GASMEMS project of the European Community presents its second combined International Workshop and Summer School, taking place at the Helios Hotel, Les Embiez Island, France. The island is located between Marseille (80 km) and Toulon (50 km).

Information For specific questions about the workshop and summer school, please contact the
events organizers:


For specific questions about the workshop and summer school, please contact the events organizers:

Global organization: Dr. Arjan Frijns a.j.h.frijns@tue.nl Local organization: Prof. Irina Graur irina.graour@polytech.univ-mrs.fr

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