13-15/07/10 : ASME - Chicago (IL.) USA

ASME 2010 Power Division 13-15 juillet 2010 Chicago, IL

Call for Papers

Abstract Deadline: December 15, 2009
ASME Power is accepting abstract submissions for the 2010 conference. If you want to engage in operating, maintenance, and equipment issues with the experts inside the power plant, as well as find out the latest methods and cutting-edge technology that can improve how power plants operate in the future, then you are invited to participate.

Abstracts should be submitted to one of the following tracks:

  • Track 1 Fuels & Combustion, Material Handling, Emissions
  • Track 2 Steam Generators
  • Track 3 Heat Exchangers & Cooling Systems
  • Track 4 Turbines, Generators & Auxiliaries
  • Track 5 Plant Operations
  • Track 6 Reliability, Availability & Maintainability
  • Track 7 Plant Systems, Structures, Components, Materials, and Codes and Standards
  • Track 8 Simple & Combined Cycle Power Plants
  • Track 9 Advanced Energy Systems
  • Track 10 Renewables: Wind, Solar, Geothermal, Tidal and Hydro
  • Track 11 Thermal Hydraulics & CFD
  • Track 12 Nuclear Plant Design, Licensing & Construction
  • Track 13 Performance Testing and Performance Test Codes

For more information, go to www.asmeconferences.org/power2010

Journée thématique