01-03/12/2010 : MFHT - 4 : Orléans, France ""ANNULÉ"



4e Matériaux & Fluides à Haute Température (MFHT - 4)
EUROTHERM Seminar N°87
4th Materials & Fluids at High Temperature

University of Orléans, France
1-3 December, 2010


The seminar will provide a three days European conference for exchange on scientific advances concerning the High Temperature behavior of Materials and Fluids. It will focus on coupling between material, fluid mechanics and thermal science. The seminar will initiate collaborations between scientists from academia and industry specialized in this domain.


The scientific program will be based on selected lectures from both academic and industrial domain on :

  • High Temperature Measurements
  • Elaboration and Characterization of Materials
  • Modeling and numerical simulation
  • Experimental set‐up
  • High Temperature Processes....

Scientific comittee

Françoise Daumas-Bataille (PROMES, Perpignan)
Patrick Echegut (CEMHTI-CNRS, Orleans)
Gerard Gognet (CEA Budapest)
Christophe Journeau (CEA, Cadarache)
Jean-Pierre Lasserre (CEA CESTA, Le Barp)
Dario Manara (ITU, Karlsruhe)
Pascal Piluso (CEA, Cadarache)
Jacques Poirier (CEMHTI-CNRS, Orleans)

e‐mail : mfht4@cnrs‐orleans.fr                           Site Web : http://mfht4.cnrs-orleans.fr/

Journée thématique