13-15/04/11 : VERTE 11 - Paris

1st Announcement Conference V.E.R.T.E.’11
On Energy Valorization of
Thermal Effluents and Environment
With the support of S.F.T. Image removed.

Paris , April 13 th to 15 th, 2011


V.E.R.T.E.’11 will be held from April 13 th to 15 th, 2011 and hosted by MINES ParisTech, under the presidency of Dr. Denis CLODIC, Research Director and manager of the Center for Energy and Processes (CEP) ‐ Paris, and the copresidency of Prof. Dr Michel FEIDT, of the University Henri Poincaré in Nancy, coordinator of the Group Energy of the S.F.T. and secretary of the Commission E2 of I.I.F. – I.I.R.

Scientific Domains

  • Thermodynamics
    New developments on exergy analysis of systems and components, thermal integration, energy efficiency, and minimization of environmental impacts.
  • Heat and mass transfers
    With a focus on compact heat exchangers, mini and micro‐channel heat exchanges, oil management, frosting / defrosting.
  •  Energy‐ecology and sustainable development
    CO2 footprint minimization, zero‐emission energy systems.
  • Engines and turbines
    New developments on mechanical generators using energy sources between 100 and 400°C, Expanders
    generating less than 50 kWe, direct coupling of generator / receptor machines.
  • Heat Pump and Mechanical vapor compression
    A special attention will be given to heat pumps generating heat between 60 and 170°C including vapor compression, but also on heat pump using sources between 20 and 50°C.


Contact :




Secrétariat du Colloque
MINES ParisTech
5, rue Léon Blum –91120 Palaiseau ‐ France

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