17/06/11 : EXERGIY 2011 - Paris


International Conference on EXERGY

17th june 2011, Nanterre

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The global environmental, economical and juridical context of our industrial societies calls urgently for the definition of a sustainable development criteria which would be clear, undisputable, independent of specific fields or lobbies, based on widely accepted physical principles. Standing at the crossing point between physics, engineering, biology and ecology, the concept of exergy displays these properties.
It must be understood that energies, processes, materials but also urbanistic and logistic configurations display structure and arrangement whose quality can be quantified by exergy. The aim of this conference is to show that exergy is now used in a large variety of systems and fields for analysis, conception and optimization: energy production and distribution, chemical processing, materials, logistics, urbanism, architecture, industrial and landscape planning and agro ecosytems and ecology.
Exergy gives access to rigorous methodologies and optimization strategies by minimizing materials and energy used at local and global scales. Its use leads to substantial economy. The main objective of the conference is to show that exergy should be the crucial physical quantity of the 21th century.

Organization: D. Queiros-Conde, L. Grosu, A. Zellou and M. Feidt
In the context of scientific activities of SFT (Société Française de Thermique and Réseau
CARNOT (Programme Energie CNRS)

For inscription: send an e-mail to diogo.queiros-conde@u-paris10.fr

Journée thématique