29-31/08/2011 : EUROTHERM - Poitiers


Microscale heat transfer III


August 29-31, 2011 - Poitiers, France

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Scientific scope and topics

This seminar will present the state of the art and the modern trends microscale heat transfer. It will focus on Heat Transfer at short length and time scale where the physical laws used in classical heat transfer are not valid anymore. Thermal radiation at subwavelength scale or thermal conduction controlled by mesoscopic transport of electrons and phonons are the typical subjects entering in the scope of the seminar as well as applications of these concepts to nano-objects entering in nanotechnology. The main topics of the seminar will be:

  • Near-field thermal radiation.
  • Coherent thermal sources.
  • Ultrafast heat transfer.
  • Phonon transport at the quantum limit.
  • Nanoscale experimental heat transfer
  • Microscale/nanoscale thermal metrology.
  • Thermal interface resistance.
  • Thermal rectification
  • Nanoscale computational heat transfer
  • Thermoelectricity
  • Thermophotovoltaics

Organizing Committee
J. Drevillon, Y. Ezzahri, C. Gingreau, K. Joulain, E. Nefzaoui, Institut P’, Poitiers

Web Site
Information on the seminar can be found at: http://eurotherm91.conference.univ-poitiers.fr/

Seminar Secretariat
Institut P’
Université de Poitiers
Bâtiment Mécanique B25
2, Rue Pierre Brousse
86022 Poitiers cedex
Phone: +
E-mail: eurotherm91@univ-poitiers.fr



Journée thématique