19-20/04/12 : InMoTher 2012 - Lyon


InMoTher 2012
Industrial use of Molecular Thermodynamics

19 – 20 March 2012

The workshop is hosted by the renowned
Ecole Normale Supérieure

All information at: http://www.congres-sfgp.eu/inmother2012
Contact: secretariat@sfgp.asso.fr
Download announcement


Industrial case-studies and state of the art reviews are the primary objectives of the workshop. They will be related to industrial applications of molecular simulation andmolecular thermodynamics by the use of molecular calculation tools, molecular equations of state as well as experimental data giving information at either the microscopic or the macroscopic scale. Major areas of interest are:

  • MD/MC simulation methods and tools (force fields)
  • Coupling molecular tools and equations of state
  • Use of multiscale tools in experimental research
  • Process and solvent design for sustainable processes
  • Nanoscale processes
  • Porous media, surfaces treatment, heterogeneous catalysis
  • Water treatment
  • CO2 capture and storage
  • Electrolyte applications
  • Biomolecules and polymers
  • Reactive systems


Journée thématique