17-20/04/12 : E2C, Maastricht (Netherlands)


2nd European Energy Conference

E2C - 2nd Edition

17-20 April 2012 • Maastricht, NL

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 Chaired by Professor Harald Bolt


Conference Symposia

  • Systems Aspects and Sustainability
    Hardo Bruhns, University of Heidelberg, Germany | Cayetano Lopez Martinez, CIEMAT, Spain
  • Sciences for Energy
    Sven Kullander, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Sweden | Bengt Kasemo, Chalmers University
    of Technology, Sweden
  • Primary Energy Conversion
    Ton Hoff, Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), The Netherlands | Claude Degueldre,
    PSI, Switzerland | Serge Durand, CEA, France
  • Energy Networks & Storage (including batteries for mobility)
    Teresa Ponce de Leao, LNEG, Portugal | Martin Greiner, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Efficient End Use of Energy
    Brigitte Bach, AIT, Austria | Andrzej Gorak, TU Dortmund, Germany

Conference website : http://www.energy-conference.eu/

Journée thématique