20-24/05/12 : IHPC - Lyon


16th International Heat Pipe Conference

May 20-24, 2012 Lyon, France

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The most up-to-date information about the conference is available online at: http://www.insavalor.fr/16ihpc

The 16th International heat Pipe Conference (IHPC) will be held in Lyon (France), May 20 to 24, 2012. This conference focuses on topics related to heat pipe science and technology. It provides a forum for exchange of up-to-date information and experiences among scientists and engineers from around the world. The 16th IHPC is organised jointly by five French laboratories, all of them widely recognized for their work on heat pipes.

  • CETHIL, INSA de Lyon (UMR5008 CNRS, INSA de Lyon, Univ. Lyon 1)
  • Institut PPrime (UPR3346 CNRS, Université de Poitiers, ENSMA), Poitiers
  • IUSTI (UMR 6595 CNRS, Université de Provence, Université de la Méditerrannée), Marseille
  • IMFT (UMR5502 CNRS, INPT, Université Toulouse 3), Toulouse
  • LAPLACE (UMR5213 CNRS, INPT, Université Paul Sabatier), Toulouse

These laboratories are linked through a national thematic network on phase-change systems for thermal management (GdR SYREDI), established by CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research)

The organisers are grateful to the Thales group and to the ATHERM company for their financial support for the organisation of 16IHPC.

Journée thématique