28-30/06/12 : 6th IEESE - Izmir (Turkey)


6th International EGE Energy Symposium & Exhibition

(6th IEESE)

28-30 June, Izmir, Turkey

Web site : http://www.egeenergy.org

Download announcement

Main Symposium Topics

  • Carbon Market, Low Carbon Economy
  • Cogeneration and Other Systems
  • Combustion Technologies
  • Electricity Generation, Distribution and Power Quality Technologies
  • Energy and Environment
  • Energy Economy
  • Energy Efficiency and Management
  • Energy Policy, Legislation and Regulation
  • Energy R&D Project Financing
  • Energy Storage
  • Exergy and Exergoeconomics
  • Fossil Fuels
  • Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
  • Life Cycle Assessment
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Renewable Energy: Biomass/Geothermal/Photovoltaic/Solar Thermal/Tidal/Wind
  • Smart-grid and Transmission
  • Thermodynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Applications

The list is only indicative of the key areas of discussion but is not restrictive, and additional topics would be considered for submission.

Biomass/Geothermal/Photovoltaic/Solar Thermal/Tidal/Wind

• Smart-grid and Transmission

• Thermodynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Applications

The list is only indicative of the key areas of discussion but is not restrictive, and additional topics would be considered for submission.


Address: Ege University Solar Energy Institute 35100, Izmir, TURKEY

Tel: 0090 232 311 12 34

Fax: 0090 232 388 60 27

E-mail: info@egeenergy.org

Journée thématique