01-06/07/12 : CHT-12 - Bath (England)




1 – 6 July, 2012 Bath, England


Download announcement

CHT-12 will jointly sponsored by ICHMT, the University of Bath and the University of New South Wales, Australia. It will be held as a tribute to the memory of the late Professor Eddie Leonardi, co-founder of this series of CHT symposia, who was a former Chair of the Executive Committee of ICHMT, and a former Director of the CFD Research Laboratory of UNSW. It will be a recognition of his innumerable contributions to computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer.

The goal of the symposium is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, methods and results in computational heat transfer. Papers on all aspects of CHT – both fundamental and applied – will be welcome. Topics will include but are not limited to:

  • Biological heat transfer
  • Micro and nanoscale heat transfer
  • Boundary layer flow and heat transfer
  • Radiative heat transfer
  • Combustion, fire modelling
  • Single/multiphase flow and heat transfer
  • Computational methods
  • Solidification and melting
  • Double diffusive convection
  • Turbulent heat transfer
  • Energy
  • Turbulence modelling
  • Internal flow and heat transfer
  • Verification and Validation
  • Materials processing

Contacts :

Dr D. A. S. Rees(Co-Chair)
Dept. of Mechanical Eng’ing,
University of Bath,
Tel: +44 1225 38 6775
Fax: +44 1225 38 6928

Email: D.A.S.Rees@bath.ac.uk


Em. Professor Graham de Vahl Davis, (Co-Chair)
School of Mech. and Manuf. Eng’ing
The University of New South Wales
Tel: +61 2 9327 5706 Fax: +61 2 9327 5710
Mobile: +61 412 784 179

Email: g.devahldavis@unsw.edu.au


For general enquiries about ICHMT, contact:

Professor Faruk Arinç

ICHMT Secretary-General, Mechanical Engineering Department
Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

Tel: +90 312 210 5214    Fax: +90 312 210 1429 - Email: farinc@ichmt.org





Journée thématique