10-12/07/12 : EPFDC 2012, London (England)


6th European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference

Imperial College, London

10-12 July 2012



The European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference is an annual conference organised for doctoral students and post doctoral researchers by doctoral students from across Europe, allowing the students to discuss, debate and share their work in fluid dynamics with current and future peers.

The conference has been a huge success and in its sixth year it comes to Imperial College London at the same time as the Summer Olympics come to town, providing the ideal setting for both work and pleasure during the summer.

Held between the 10th and 12th of July, the conference will host a range of talks from students across Europe, covering topics from turbulence theory to biomedical fluid dynamics. A special guest lecture will be given on each day of the conference by an expert from Imperial College, the UK and Europe.

We look forward to welcoming you to the conference!

For any queries or for further information please contact the organising committee on:

Contact : epfdc@imperial.ac.uk

Journée thématique