17-19/09/13 : Eurotherm 96, Bruxelles (Belgique)


Eurotherm Seminar n° 96

The Eurotherm Seminar on Convective Heat Transfer Enhancement

will be held at the Royal Military Academy of Brussels, Belgium

from 17 to 19 September 2013.

Web site : http://www.vki.ac.be/eurotherm2013/

 Conference announcement

Aims and Topics

  • Applications of heat transfer in the built environment

  • Passive and active techniques

  • Impinging jets

  • DBD plasma actuators

  • Nano-fluids, micro and nano scales

  • Power-consumption penalties

  • Experimental and numerical approaches

  • Industrial applications

  • Natural, forced and mixed convection

  • Conduction

  • Radiation

  • Combustion

  • Thermodynamic processes

  • Heat exchange systems

  • Two-phase flows

  • Thermal measurements and identification


Secretariat of the Eurotherm Seminar
Phone: +32 2 359 96 04
Fax: +32 2 359 96 11
E-mail: secretariat@vki.ac.be


Journée thématique