25-27/09/13 : CPPTA, Warsaw (Pologne)


Conference on Photoacoustic and Phothermal Theory
and Applications

Warsaw – Pologne

25-27 septembre 2013

Scope and topics

The conference scope covers virtually all the aspects of photoacoustic, photothermal and related research, including theory, instrumentation and all kinds of applications. The topics include but are not limited to:

  • theoretical considerations
  • instrumentation and methodology
  • spectroscopy, applications in chemistry
  • sensors, actuators and industrial applications (including environmental sensors, generation of ultrasound, etc.)
  • applications in medicine, biology and agriculture
  • imaging (including thermography, tomography, microscopy, depth profiling, etc.)
  • ultrafast, micro/nanoscale and nonlinear phenomena
  • thermophysics (including characterization of materials)
  • other aspects and applications of PA/PT techniques


Consult the conference web site for full details : http://cppta.eu/


Journée thématique