15-21/11/13 : ASME, San Diego (Etats Unis)


ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress & Exposition

San Diego – Etats Unis

15-21 novembre 2013



The annual ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition is a premier global conference that focuses on today's technical challenges, research updates and breakthrough innovations that are shaping the future of engineering. The Congress convenes engineers, scientists and technologists of all disciplines for the purposes of exploring solutions to global challenges and for the advancement of engineering excellence worldwide.


"Advanced Manufacturing" Chosen as Theme for the 2013 ASME Congress

Tracks include:

  • Advances in Aerospace Technology
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Biomedical and Biotechnology Engineering
  • Dynamics, Vibration and Control
  • Education and Globalization
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Energy
  • Fluids Engineering Systems & Technologies
  • Heat Transfer and Thermal Engineering
  • Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids
  • Micro- and Nano-Systems Engineering and Packaging
  • Safety, Reliability and Risk
  • Systems and Design
  • Transportation Systems
  • Vibration, Acoustics & Wave Propagation
  • Virtual Podium (Posters)
  • ASME International Undergraduate Research and Design Expo (Posters Only)


Journée thématique