1-6/3/2015 : METTI6, Biarritz - France


First Announcement


Metti 6

“Thermal Measurements & Inverse Techniques"

Advanced Spring School
March 1-6, 2015
Domaine de Françon



Download flyer : here


Scope – Techniques for solving inverse problems as well as their applications may seem quite obscure for newcomers to the field. These are met in different areas in the physical sciences and particularly in Heat Transfer. Experimentalists desiring to go beyond traditional data processing techniques for estimating the parameters of a model with the maximum accuracy feel often ill prepared in front of inverse techniques. In order to avoid biases at different levels of this kind of involved task, it seems compulsory that specialists of measurement inversion techniques, modelling techniques and experimental techniques share a wide common culture and language. These exchanges are necessary to take into account the difficulties associated to all these fields. It is in this state of mind that this school is proposed. The METTI Group (Thermal Measurements and Inverse Techniques), which is a division of the French Heat Transfer Society (SFT), has already run or co-.. organized five similar schools, in the Alps (Aussois) in 1995 and 2005, in the Pyrenees (Bolquère-.. Odeillo) in 1999, in Rio de Janeiro (2009) and in Roscoff (2011). For this sixth edition the school is again open to participants from the European Community with the support of the Eurotherm Committee.

Attendance – About 80 to 100 attendees and instructors (PhD Students, academics, R&D engineers) from different countries.

Metti committee -.. D. Maillet, B. Rémy, J.-..L. Battaglia, J.-..C. Batsale , B. Garnier, Y. Favennec, L. Perez, E. Videcoq, M. Girault, J. Virgone, C. Le Niliot, F. Rigollet, J.-..L. Gardarein, P. Le Masson, N. Laraqi, O. Fudym, F. Lanzetta, J.-..C. Krapez, H. Pron, N. Horny, O. Faugeroux, B. Claudet, S. Gomès, H. Orlande.

Program  Lectures

Lectures will be given from 9:00 to 12:30 every morning from Monday to Friday on the following courses: Inverse problems, parametric estimation, nonlinear estimation, optimization, regularization, sensors, function estimation, signal processing, model reduction, etc.


Tutorials will be held in the “Domaine de Françon” between 17:00 and 20:30 from Monday to Thursday. They will include an experimental and/or a numerical part. The detailed abstracts of the tutorials will be presented on the school website. Each participant will be asked to choose tutorials according to the schedule, with a maximum number equal to six, at least.


Two course books will be distributed at the arrival of the participants.


PhD students and young academics are invited to present their studies through a poster in order to have a support for further interaction and discussion with more experienced ' inverters'.

Organization of the school

Scientific coordination:

Denis Maillet, LEMTA, Nancy Tel.: (33) 3 83 59 56 06


Jean-..Luc Battaglia, I2M, Bordeaux Tel.: (33) 5 56 84 54 21

(secretary) Sylviane Boya, I2M Bordeaux Tel.: (33) 5 56 84 54 00

(secretary) Muriel Boré, I2M Bordeaux Tel.: (33) 5 56 84 54 02

Language: English. http://www.sft.asso.fr/metti6

Journée thématique