01-03/04/2015 :Eurotherm 105, Albi (France)


Computational Thermal Radiation in Participating Media V

ALBI, France

1-3 April 2015

Download 2nd Announcement : here

website : http://ctrpm5.wp.mines-telecom.fr


Scientific scope and topics

This seminar will present the state of the art and the modern trends in computational radiative transfer in participating media. It will focus on novel and improved solution techniques as well as on their applications to actual engineering problems. The main topics of the seminar will be:


  • New developments for the solution of Radiative Transfer Equation.
  • Monte-Carlo methods and coupling of MC with other techniques.
  • Radiative transfer in complex geometries and/or optically complex media.
  • Radiative transfer problems at micro - and nanoscales.
  • Turbulence-radiation interactions.
  • Inverse methods in radiative transfer.
  • Gas and plasma radiation modelling.
  • Radiative properties of particles, agglomerates and disperse systems.
  • Coupled heat transfer problems involving radiative effects.
  • Applications to combustion systems, fire safety, high temperature heat exchangers, glass manufacturing, Furnaces, and high temperature thermal protection devices. - Radiation in biological systems.
  • Photoreactive processes
  • Radiative transfer for medical applications.
  • Radiative transfer in planetary atmospheres and oceans


Standard-format sessions will be complemented by two brief open-views on “Plasma physics” and “Radiation in exo-planetary atmospheres”.


Journée thématique