24-27/05/15 :IAGE, Taichung (Taiwan)


The 10th International Green Energy Conference

Taichung (Taiwan)

24-27 May 2015



Conference Objectives

The IGEC is a multi–disciplinary conference on energy systems and technologies with no/reduced
environmental, economic and social impact, and provides a forum for the exchange of technical
information, for the dissemination of high-quality research results, and for the debate and shaping
of future directions and priorities in energy sustainability and security.

Conference Topics

Papers are solicited from all relevant disciplinary areas, from new concept, theory, modeling and simulation to experiment.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

• Energy education, policy and planning
• Energy conversion and management
• Energy and exergy analysis
• Advanced energy systems
• Hydrogen and fuel cells
• Renewable and clean energy technologies
• Energy systems modelling and optimization
• Energy and environment
• Energy and sustainability
• Energy security
• Energy resources and their efficient use
• Alternative and hybrid energy systems
• Energy economics
• Energy and industrial ecology
• Energy and life cycle analysis
• Green power production and cogeneration
• Energy storage techniques
• Green buildings
• Environmental impact and climate change
• Pollutant emission, control and abatement

Journée thématique