16-22/08/15: ICR 2015, Yokohama (Japan)


The 24th International Congress of Refrigeration
Improving Quality of Life, Preserving the Earth

Yokohama (Japan)

16-22 août 2015


Download 3rd announcement : here


Papers are solicited on the following and topics:


  • A1 : Cryophysics, cryoengineering
  • A2 : Liquefaction & separation of gases
  • B1 : Thermodynamics & transfer processes
  • B2 : Refrigerating equipment
  • C1 : Cryobiology, cryomedicine
  • C2 : Food science & engineering
  • D1 : Refrigerated storage
  • D2 : Refrigerated transport
  • E1 : Air conditioning
  • E2 : Heat pumps, energy recovery
  • S : Sustainable and high performance buildings


Journée thématique