25-28/08/15 : ETC 2015, Delft (Netherlands)

ETC 2015 – 15th European Turbulence Conference

Delft (Netherlands)

25-28 août 2015




Since 1986 the European Turbulence Conference (ETC) is held every other year with usually over 450 participants. The objective of the ETC is to provide a platform for scientists to present and discuss recent advances in the field of turbulence and related topics. The upcoming ETC will be held in Delft from 25-28 August, 2015.


The principal topics of the ETC vary from fundamental physical issues to applied fluid mechanics. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • wall-bounded and boundary-free turbulent flows (boundary layers,
  • pipe flow,
  • Taylor-Couette flow, jets, etc.)
  • atmospheric turbulence
  • geo and astrophysical turbulence
  • 2D turbulence, rotational flows
  • stratified flows, convection
  • wave turbulence
  • non-Newtonian flows
  • compressible flows
  • acoustics
  • MHD
  • turbulent multiphase flows
  • reacting flows
  • scalar transport and mixing
  • intermittency and scaling
  • vortex dynamics and structure formation
  • Lagrangian statistics
  • instability
  • transition and control
Journée thématique