13-15/12/10 : SSB 2010 - Liège, Belgium


8th International Conference on System Simulation in Buildings
(SSB'2010 Conference)

13-15 December 2010
Liège, Belgium

Conference topics
You are sincerely invited to submit abstracts regarding the following topics:

  • Advances in modeling of HVAC&R systems and components
  • Last developments in building energy simulation methods and tools
  • Simulation assisted analysis and evaluation of building energy use
  •  Application to commissioning, energy management and maintenance
  • Application to building energy audit and retrofit
  • High quality case studies exhibiting in depth use of simulation tools

Submissions & registrations
Registrations and abstracts and papers submissions can be done on the conference website:

SSB 2010 Conference
Scientific Secretary: Stephane berTagnoLio
Phone: +32 (0)4 366 48 22
Mail: ssb2010@guest.ulg.ac.be
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Journée thématique