19-24/06/2011 : IRCELyon - Lyon


Summer School of Calorimetry 2011
" Calorimetry and thermal methods in catalysis "

19 - 24 juin 2011 - LYON, France

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Calorimetry and thermal analysis methods, alone or linked to other techniques, applied to the characterization of catalysts, supports and adsorbents, and to the study of catalytic reactions in various domains: air and wastewater treatment, clean and renewable energies, refining of hydrocarbons, green chemistry, hydrogen production and storage, CO2 capture…

Scientific organization.

Aline AUROUX, Institut de Recherches sur la Catalyse et l’Environnement de Lyon, 2 avenue Einstein, 69626 Villeurbanne Cedex.

Tel : +33 4 72 44 53 98 ; Fax : +33 4 72 44 53 99 ; Email : aline.auroux@ircelyon.univ-lyon1.fr

Journée thématique