27/6-1/07/11: ISAPA - Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)


First International Symposium on electrical Arc en thermal Plasma in Africa  (ISAPA)

June 27 - July 1, 2011

Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso


Web site : http://www.univ-bpclermont.fr/CONGRES/ramses2011/isapa.html

Objective :

The ISAPA (International Symposium on electrical Arc and thermal Plasma in Africa) aims to encourage the advancement of the science and applications of electrical power transformation in Africa.

The Laboratory of Material and environment (LAME) from Ouagadougou University and the Laboratory of Electric Arc and Thermal Plasmas (LAEPT) from Blaise Pascal University are on charge of the organization of this new and first symposium ISAPA in Africa.

Topics :

  1. Circuit protection, circuit breakers, fuses.
  2. Thermodynamic composition, transport coefficient, modeling of thermal plasmas and electric arc.
  3. Atmospheric Entry, space propulsion.
  4. Industrial applications : melting, cutting, arc furnace, plasma torches.
  5. Plasma analyses, optical emission spectroscopic analyses, diagnostics.
  6. Alternative energies, photovoltaic energy conversion.

Contact : isapa2011@univ-bpclermont.fr

Journée thématique