6-8/7/2011 : THERMO - Budapest (Hungary)


17th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry (THERMO)

6th to 8th of July, 2011
Budapest University of Technology and Economics(BME).
Budapest, XI.Műegyetem rkpt.3.,Hungary

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Since 1977 a successful series of Symposia has been organised by our Society every year. At the beginning these events were named "Symposium on Thermogrammetry" after a newly developed branch of thermal mapping methods which played a significant role in the program. As the scope of the symposia widened in 1982 they received the new name "Symposium on thermo technical measurements".
Due to the broad and increasing interest shown by the international thermal engineering and physician communities, in 1987 it was already organised as the International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry (THERMO). This conference is a series of biennial meetings. The Conference is intended to be an event worthy of the attention of all engineers, scientists, physicians and researchers who are involved in the solution of thermal or energy related problems, as well as in the applications of thermal imaging.


The developments of measurement theory and technologies help the energy- conscious design of thermal engineering equipment and processes as well as the better understanding of thermal phenomena in living organisms.
The Conference will cover topics both the field of theory and application including new measurement concepts; transducer technique; thermal mapping; contact, optical and IR imaging; biomedical and biotechnological applications; thermal informatics, automatic methods and systems for industrial energy management and process control; heat loss detection and analysis; heat and mass transfer; utilization of alternative energy; thermophysical properties as well as the common practice of thermal engineering.
This Conference will provide the latest information on the above topics together with a good opportunity for personal discussions among experts in the fields of energy conservation, control of energy release and loss, protection of human environment, medical and veterinary applications, remote control through infrared sensors.

The structure of the sessions will be fixed after receiving the papers, but the topics will cover the following fields:
General thermal engineering; theory of measurements; thermal informatics, thermo-CAD and its applications; advanced thermodinamics and the new tendencies associated: industrial energy management and process control systems; practice of thermal engineering; infra-red imaging science & technology: thermogrammetry, micro- and nanoscale thermal phenomena and sensing techniques, thermal defectometry; applied thermo optics;

Application Forms and abstracts/papers should be sent to:
Secretariat, House of Technology, III. 318.
H 1372 Budapest, POB. 451., Hungary
Fax: +361-353-1406, Phone: +361-332-9571., E-mail: mate@mtesz.hu

For any further information and personal inquiries please contact the following address:
Dr. Imre BENKÖ, H 1112 Budapest, Cirmos u. 1, 6/38, Hungary
Phone/fax: +361 310-0999.
E-mail: ibenko@freestart.hu


Journée thématique