28/08-01/09/11 : 19 ECTP - Thessaloniki (Greece)


19th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties
August 28th - September 1st, 2011 Thessaloniki, Greece


The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for academic and industrial researchers to meet and exchange valuable experiences in the field of thermophysical properties of a wide variety of systems covering fluids and solids.
The conference will include plenary and invited lectures, oral presentations, poster sessions and short workshops on specialized topics. The ECTP Award for Lifetime Achievements in Thermophysics, the ECTP-NETZSCH Young Scientist Award, as well as other awards will be presented during the event.

Extension of the deadline for abstract submission to February 14th, 2011

Deadline for "ECTP-NETZSCH Young Scientist Award" nominations February 28th, 2011


Journée thématique