31/08-02/09/11 : Thermodynamics 2011, Athens, (Greece)


Thermodynamics 2011
31 August – 2 September 2011 Athens, Greece

The conference consists of invited lectures, oral presentations, short presentations and posters. A number of awards will be given to recognized researchers and young scientists. A workshop on computational chemistry and molecular modeling will be organized by Scienomics Sarl on 31 August.

Major Topics of Thermodynamics 2011 Conference

  • Statistical mechanics and equations of state
  • Novel experimental methods
  • Molecular modeling and simulation
  • Multi-scale modeling: from quantum mechanics to engineering models
  • Transport properties of complex fluids
  • Interfacial phenomena
  • Polymers and other materials
  • Biomass related materials (sponsored by IFP Energies Nouvelles)
  • Ionic liquids and green processes including supercritical fluid processes
  • Aqueous systems and electrolytes
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Nanoscale processes
  • CO2 and energy

Important deadlines

  • December 2010: Abstract submission opens 15 March 2011: Abstract submission ends
  • 15 April 2011: Acceptance / rejection of abstracts – Notification to authors
  • 6 June 2011: Preferential hotel rates end
  • 15 June 2011: Early registration closes 15 July 2011: Registration closes


Journée thématique