16-18/11/11 : Eurotherm 93 - Bordeaux, France



Thermal energy storage and transportation: materials, systems and applications

16-18 November 2011
Bordeaux Campus, FRANCE

 EUROTHERM Web Site: http://termserv.casaccia.enea.it/eurotherm
 Seminar Web Site: http://eurotherm-sem93.u-bordeaux.fr

Main topics include :

  • Improved and new phase change materials.
  • Materials/reactions for thermo-chemical and chemical storage.
  • Advanced fluids for thermal energy storage and transportation.
  • Multiphysics and coupled phenomena.
  • Reliable methods for testing and characterization.
  • Numerical modelling, from the molecular scale to the macroscopic scale.
  • Advanced storage systems: transfers intensification, testing methods, performance assessment, modelling and design.
  • Applications, demonstration projects: seasonal solar thermal storage, cogeneration and trigeneration, building cooling, district heating, industrial waste heat, concentrated solar power, etc.

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