27/11-1/12/11 : 16th ICPPP - Merida Mexico


16th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena

November 27 – December 1, 2011
Hotel Hyat Regency,

Download announcement

General topics :

  • Scanning, imaging, optoacoustic, thermoacostic tomography and depth profiling of materials
  • Photoacoustic and photothermal applications in biology, agriculture and biomedicine.
  • Spectroscopy, analytical chemistry, nonlinear optics and photochemistry
  • New applications based on photoacoustic and photothermal phenomena
  • Laser based IR thermography and ultrasound tomography
  • Non-destructive testing and industrial applications
  • Environmental sensors and applications
  • New instrumentation and methodology
  • Dynamics of photoinduced processes
  • Ultrafast phenomena

More information at: http://www.cio.mx/ICPPP_16/1.html

Journée thématique