24-29/06/12 : 18th Symp. Thermophysical - Boulder (USA)


18th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties

Boulder, CO, USA
June 24 - 29, 2012


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About The Conference

This is the Eighteenth Symposium of the well-established series of conferences on thermophysical properties. The Symposium is concerned with theoretical, experimental, simulation, and applied aspects of the thermophysical properties of gases, liquids, and solids, including biological systems. Appropriate topics are:

  • Thermodynamic Properties, including equation of state, phase equilibria, p-V-T behavior, heat capacity, enthalpy, thermal expansion, sound speed, and critical phenomena.
  • Transport Properties, including thermal and electrical conductivity, viscosity, mass diffusion, thermal diffusion, non-Newtonian behavior, and thermal, thermoacoustic, and other diffusion waves.
  • Optical and Thermal Radiative Properties, including dielectric constant, refractive index, emissivity, reflectivity, and absorptivity.
  • Interfacial Properties, including solid-solid interfaces, surface tension, interfacial profiles, interfacial transport, and wetting.
  • Data Correlation, including data evaluation and prediction, standard reference data, databases, and storage and retrieval of thermophysical-property data.

Contact Information

E-mail: symp18@boulder.nist.gov

Journée thématique