08-12/07/12 : ASME 2012, Puerto Rico, USA


5th Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Energy
Conversion from Clean and Sustainable Resources

July 8-12, 2012

Puerto Rico, USA

Web site : www.asmeconferences.org/FEDSM2012


The Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee (FMTC) of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division is organizing a Symposium on Transport Phenomena in Energy Conversion from Clean and Sustainable Resources for the year 2012 ASME Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting.


There are widespread concerns due to the constantly rising cost and adverse environmental impacts of energy generation from traditional sources such as Natural Gas, Coal and Oil. To address these concerns effective and efficient energy conversion systems are being developed from a wide variety of clean and sustainable resources. Papers reporting on advances related to all aspects of transport phenomena during energy conversion from clean and sustainable resources are solicited. The proposed symposium will provide a platform for engineers and scientists to meet and present recent advances in the fluid mechanics, heat and mass transport issues related to energy generation from clean and sustainable resources. The papers can be experimental, numerical and/or analytical studies. The application of advanced diagnostic techniques or computational tools to study industrially relevant processes are especially welcomed. The papers may include, but are not necessarily limited to, topics reporting on energy generation from sustainable resources such as: • Solar • Fuel cells • Hydrogen • Nuclear • Biomas • Biofuels • Geothermal • Hydro • Wind • Ocean

Journée thématique