2-6/09/12 : ICLASS 2012 : Heidelberg (Germany)


12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems


September 2-6, 2012

Conference Website : http://iclass2012.org/


CLASS 2012 is the 12th International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems. ILASS International is the umbrella organization for the European, American and Asian regional sections. Every three years the entire international community convenes to share information, experience and technical advances. ILASS 2012 will continue this tradition by providing a venue for industrial and academic researchers, and students to engage in the scientific development and practice of atomization and spray systems and to meet and share recent developments in the field. We would like to invite you to ICLASS 2012 where we are creating an environment that promotes international communication and collaboration, provides the highest quality technical program and inspires you in the heart of Heidelberg's Old Town.


General Information: contact@iclass2012.org,

Ms. Ellen Vogel, Conference Secretary

Journée thématique