21-25/04/13 : ECCE 2013, The Hague (Pays Bas)


9th European Congress of Chemical Engineering

The Hague – Pays Bas

21-25 avril 2013



Shaping a Sustainable Future!

A partnership of academia, industry and society

The ECCE9 / ECAB2 congress ‘Shaping a Sustainable Future’ will bring together researchers, scientists, engineers, policy makers, industrial professionals and managers, entrepreneurs and students to exchange and share their experiences, new ideas, innovations and research results on all aspects of chemical engineering, applied biotechnology and process intensification.

A diverse and engaging 5-day programme creates a forum to discuss new ideas, address practical challenges, find solutions and allow new partnerships to flourish. We expect around 2300 people including 700 talented PhD & MSc students. Each day starts with a plenary speaker and keynote speakers who will share their vision on innovation and sustainability in the process industry. In the afternoon, scientific sessions are scheduled parallel to the innovation track.

Monday 22 April: special supplementary programme for industry, politicians and policymakers
Wednesday 24 April: MSc/BSc students’ day

Journée thématique