09-11/05/13 : 5th IIR Ammonia, Ohrid (Macedonia)


International Conference on Ammonia Refrigeration Technology

May 09-11/, 2013 , Ohrid (Macedonia) 


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About the Conference

In the last years the CFC and HCFC refrigerants are mostly replaced with HFCs which are high potent greenhouse gases and are included in the Kyoto Protocol. In many reports there are alarming projections of GHG emissions including HFCs. In Europe an EU Regulation 842 on F-gases is introduced. More than 100 countries support the proposal for phase-down of HFCs within the Montreal Protocol, but an agreement is not reached. On the last UN Climate Conferences the negotiations were unsuccessful. In a meantime new HFC refrigerants (named as HFOs) with low GWP are announced.
In the refrigeration and air-conditioning industry, confusion and uncertainties related to working fluids in many applications are continuing. In addition, there are many groups with diverging interests: chemical companies, manufacturers of equipment, distributors, users, environmental organizations, politicians and the public.
Despite many difficulties, the global trend towards using natural refrigerants is intensifying. There are very positive signals in Europe and some parts in the world where expanding use of ammonia, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons in various applications is occurring. We will eliminate all uncertainties in the future regarding both Protocols and environmental regulations applying to natural refrigerants.
Of all refrigerants applied today, ammonia is the oldest: it is a unique refrigerant that has been used continuously since the 19th century. The topics of the conference are: design of modern ammonia systems and technological innovation, improving e nergy efficiency, various applications, technical guidelines, safety and regulations. It is very clear: by using more ammonia refrigeration, we are employing environmentally friendly technology.
The previous four conferences were very successful, so we look forward to the 5th Conference on Ammonia Refrigeration Technology. You are welcome in the beautiful city of Ohrid and Ohrid Lake !

Journée thématique