03-05/06/2013 : HEEP : Balatonfüred (Hongrie)


June 3–5 2013.

Subtitle: The Role of Renewable Resources and Fuels in Energy Generation

Balatonfüred, Hungary

Web: http://www.heep.energia.bme.hu/English/index.php/heep-2013

Email: heep@energia.bme.hu



Purpose of the conference

There has been increasing role of renewable energy resources in power generation, supply and in transport area. In all over Europe and especially in Hungary there is large dependence from import energy resources mainly from natural gas. Fossil energy resources still remain in cardinal role in the near future in energy generation and at transport sector. But utilization of renewable resources has increasing share. Continuous change of boundary conditions, caused by price variations of resources and more and more strict environmental regulations, needs application of new or further developed technologies designs and systems. The aim of the conference, organized on the 11th time, is to provide a forum of all those who are interested in these subjects and intend to survey possibilities, results and development trends. Furthermore this event is going to give possibilities for stakeholders in this sector to get together and for discussion.

Main topics

  • Research and development of heat engines, turbines boilers, combustion and gasification systems
  • Role of fossil and renewable energy resources in energy supply.
  • Utilization of bio-fuels, renewable and recovered fuels in energy sector
  • Development of power stations and possibilities for local generation and supply
  • Utilization efficiency of renewable energy sources, trends of present and future technological developments, operational and economical experience with realized and operated equipments and systems
  • Theoretical and practical issues of heat transport processes related to energy conversion.

 Theoretical and practical issues of heat transport processes related to energy conversion.


We are expecting abstracts in the fields above, not longer than 200 words until 15th of February 2013 to the address below:

BME Department of Energy Engineering
Hungary-1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rkp. 3. D210
Phone: 463-2613, Fax: 463-1762
E-mail: lezsovits@energia.bme.hu

The decision about the acceptance of the lectures will be send by the end of February 2013.


Journée thématique