03-07/06/13 : PBFC 2013, Ulm (Allemagne)


6th International Conference on
Polymer Batteries and Fuel Cells

Ulm – Germany

3-7 June 2013

Web site : http://www.pbfc.eu/

About the conference

It is a great pleasure for the organizing committee of the 6th International Conference on Polymer Batteries and Fuel Cells (PBFC‑6 or PBFC‑2013) to invite all who are interested in materials for and systems based on lithium polymer, lithium-ion, metal-air, and flow batteries, and proton-exchange membrane and alkaline-exchange membrane fuel cells to attend PBFC‑6.

PBFC‑6 will be held from June 3-June 7, 2013 at CongressCentrum connected to Maritim Hotel in the City of Ulm, Germany. PBFC‑6 continues the series of bi-annual conferences started in 2003 (Jeju Island, Korea, 2003; Las Vegas, Nevada, United States, 2005; Rome, Italy, 2007; Yokohama, Japan, 2009; Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 2011) and will provide a forum for recent advances in these important energy conversion and storage devices.

We hope you will choose to join us in June. The conference should be a very good opportunity to discuss, with a broad spectrum of researchers, a variety of issues and needs related to materials and processes for these important contributors to meeting our clean energy needs.



Journée thématique