11/06-19/06/13 : ANNONCE de CONFERENCES – MINES ALBI - (SALLE 1A24)

Dans le cadre de son séjour de professeur invité à l’ICA-Albi entre le 10 juin et le 5 juillet 2013, le Professeur JOHN R. HOWELL de l’Université d’Austin (USA) donnera quatre conférences (durée des conférences : 1heure + 30 minutes de question).
JOHN R. HOWELLProfesseur (Emérite) - University of AUSTIN (USA) –Dept of Mechanical Engineering - Cockrell Jr., Memorial Chair Emeritus. Auteur de plus de 200 publications, il a notamment co-rédigé l’ouvrage de référence intitulé : « Thermal radiation heat transfer » en collaboration avec Robert Siegel. Le professeur J.R Howell a reçu de nombreux prix et récompenses. Il est un membre distingué de l’ASME, de l’AIAA et de l’académie des sciences de Russie (membre étranger).
Les thèmes abordés seront :
Thème 1 - le 11/06 - 10 h : “Research Activities Past and Present”
This seminar will present an overview of my research history from work at NASA in the 1960s up to the present, concentrating on more recent work which is chiefly on inverse solutions of radiation problems at the macro- and nanoscales and solution techniques to radiative transfer problems, especially those where wavelength dependence is important. This will be a broad presentation concentrating on examples of applications rather than details of the research. Potential for collaborative research will be explored.
Thème 2 - le 12/06 - 10 h : “Introduction to the Monte Carlo Method”
The basic ideas of the Monte Carlo method for direct simulation of radiation transfer are presented. This starts with the fundamental ideas, develops the tools needed to solve elementary problems, outlines the computational approach, and gives examples of a range of applications in engineering radiation systems. The strengths and weaknesses of the method are described.
Thème 3 - le 17/06 - 10h : “Inverse Methods and Applications in Radiation Heat Transfer”
The definition of inverse problems is given, and then a broad range of radiative transfer problems requiring inverse solutions is described. Methods for solving such problems are outlined, and their advantages and difficulties are given. Solutions to engineering-scale problems are shown, and present research on using inverse solutions at the nanoscale is described. Recent applications to improving solar cell performance are highlighted.
Thème 4 - le 19/06-10h : “Optical Properties of Radiating Media: Computation and Experiment”
Approaches to finding the optical properties of radiatively participating media are described. Particular emphasis is on 1) finding the properties of reticulated porous ceramics used in submerged combustion burners through modeling or by experiment, and 2) on the description and extension of the k-distribution method for handling the wavelength dependence of molecular gases in radiative transfer calculations in atmospheric science and engineering applications.