17-19/06/13 : tptpr2013, Delft (Pays Bas)


 Thermophysical Properties and
Transfer Processes of Refrigerants

June 17-19, 2013 Delft, The Netherlands

Conference web site :http://www.tptpr2013.nl/

Download announcement : click here

About the Conference

The International Institute of Refrigeration has established a series of Commission B1 (Thermodynamics and Transfer Processes) Conferences, held every 4 years, to discuss refrigerants thermophysical properties and transfer processes. This conference follows the 2001 Conference in Paderborn, Germany, the 2005 Conference in Vicenza, Italy and the 2009 Conference in Bolder, USA.

Our planet is facing 2 great issues nowadays. The first one is energy consumption. If we continue using energy at the level we do now, commercial energy sources will get depleted after a few decades. In-depth understanding of heat and mass transfer phenomena are essential for the design of refrigeration systems with higher efficiencies. Then performance of these systems is directly related with CO2 emissions from power plants. These emissions are one of the major sources of greenhouse gases.

The second issue is global warming. Most refrigerants are greenhouses gases and their emission contributes signifcantly to the global warming, In response, the search for new refrigerants has regained significant interest and sustainable technological solutions have been under study.
The conference covers the areas of research that are prerequisites for advancing refrigeration technology.

Academic an industrial contributors are encouraged to submit papers demonstrating novel experimental
techniques, improved data analysis, and modeling approaches to thermophysical properties and transfer
processes of refrigerants.

Journée thématique