17-20/06/13 : DROPLETS, Marseille


1st International Workshop on Wetting and Evaporation: Droplets of
Pure and Complex Fluids


17-20 June, 2013, Marseille, France


Chaired by

David BRUTIN, Aix-Marseille University (France)
& David FAIRHURST, Nottingham Trent University (United Kingdom)


Scope of the Workshop

The objective of the workshop is to focus on wetting and evaporating droplets of all natures from pure to complex fluids: biological fluids, nanofluids, polymers and colloidal suspensions.... The scope of the workshop will be dedicated to experiments, modeling and theoretical approaches to cover all aspects from the fundamentals to the applications beyond the coffee ring effect. The workshop format will consist in plenary sessions only of keynotes lectures, oral presentations, poster presentations and brainstorming meetings. The program will be shaped to enable group discussions and exchanges.

Topics include: 

  • Static and dynamic wetting, spreading...
  • Pure fluids, nanofluids, colloids, biological fluids...
  • Polymers, surfactants, super-spreaders...
  • Evaporation, condensation...
  • Sessile, pendant, levitated drops...
  • Phobic and philic surfaces, substrate chemistry...
  • Cracks, delamination, pattern formation...
  • Terrestrial and microgravity experiments...

Seminar secretariat

Mme Joyce Bartolini
IUSTI Laboratory UMR 7343
5, rue Enrico Fermi, Technopole de Château-Gombert
13013 Marseille - France
Phone : +33(0) 4 91 10 69 11 / 68 82
Fax : +33(0) 4 91 10 69 69
Email: droplets13@polytech.univ-mrs.fr

Journée thématique