01-04/09/13 : ETC14, Lyon


14th Edition of the European Turbulence Conference

1–4 September 2013 Lyon


More information at : etc14.ens-lyon.fr


Topics include, but are not limited to -

• Acoustics of turbulent flows

• MHD turbulence

• Atmospheric turbulence

• Reacting and compressible turbulence

• Control of turbulent flows

• Transport and mixing

• Geophysical and astrophysical turbulence

• Turbulence in multiphase and non-Newtonian flows

• Instability and transition

• Vortex dynamics and structure formation

• Intermittency and scaling

• Wall bounded flows

• Large eddy simulation and related techniques

• Turbulent combustion

• Lagrangian aspects of turbulence

• Turbulence in superfluids

Journée thématique