2-4/04/14 : IFPEN, Rueil Malmaison




2-4 avril 2014

Web site : http://www.v2iprod.biz/IFP/nextlab2014%281%29/savethedate%281%29.html


IFP Energies nouvelles is pleased to announce the first NEXTLAB conference to be held in Rueil-Malmaison (near Paris) on 2, 3 and 4 April 2014, within the framework of its Rencontres Scientifiques.

NEXTLAB 2014 will provide a forum of exchange regarding advances in innovative experimental, methodology or simulation tools used to create, test, control and analyse materials or molecules in different domains: energy, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, materials, etc.

This international conference is the opportunity to identify the groundbreaking techniques, high through-put methodologies and innovative tools that can be used in the next generation laboratory in order to optimize research and define uses of materials.

NEXTLAB 2014 will bring together engineers and research scientists working in different industrial fields to share their vision of the next generation laboratory.


Vania Santos-Moreau
NEXTLAB 2014 scientific correspondent IFP Energies nouvelles
Tel.: +33 4 37 70 22 64

Journée thématique