07-10/09/15 : 9th Minsk, Minsk (Biélorussie)


9th Minsk International Seminar
Heat Pipes – Heat Pumps – Refrigerators
Power Sources

Minsk (Biélorussie)

7 – 10 septembre 2015


Aims and Scope

The main objective of the Conference is to provide a greater understanding of the fundamentals, principles and technologies, associated with the design and operation of heat pipes, heat pumps, refrigerators and power sources.

The Conference will also be a mean of disseminating information, concerned with resent research and development activities in the above mentioned fields and related areas, such as: air conditioning, cryogenics, electronic cooling, etc.

It will provide a forum for persons involved in research, development, design and operation of heat pipes, heat pumps, refrigerators, cooling and heating systems, power sources and will also be of interest for scientists and engineers working in areas such as heat and mass transfer science, energy management and pollution control.


Main topics

Fundamental and experimental research of the basic processes connected with physical phenomena in heat pipes, thermosyphons, heat pumps, refrigerators, solid and liquid sorption heat machines (heat and mass transfer in capillary systems and porous media with or without chemical transformations, two-phase flows, interface phenomena, processes of sorption, boiling, evaporation and condensation).

Modelling of heat pipes (variable conductance, cryogenic, miniature/micro, CPL, LHP, pulsating, revolving and rotating), two-phase thermosyphons and solid sorption devices start-up, steady-state and transient performances.

Mini- and micro-scale heat transfer at phase changes – fundamentals, experiments, applications:

  • Phase changes in micro channels and mini-channels
  • Single-phase flow and two-phase flow
  • Electronic, LED and LEP (plasma)cooling
  • Refrigeration systems
  • Biomedical devices
  • Heat transfer in nanoporous structures; nanofluids; nanotechnologies.
  • Heat transfer in fuel cells.

Scientific, space, industrial and domestic applications of heat pipes, thermosyphons, heat pumps, refrigerators and power sources.

Materials problem in heat pipes, thermosyphons, heat pumps, refrigerators and power sources.

State-of-the-art surveys of heat pipes, thermosyphons and sorption machines (in different countries and different fields).

Journée thématique