26-30/09/16: EUROTHERM 108, Santorini (Greece)


Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer V
Eurotherm Seminar No 108

September 26-30, 2016

Santorini, GREECE

web site : http://eurotherm108.scientific-event.com/

Download announcement ⇒ here

→ Scientific scope and topics

This seminar will present the state of the art and the modern trends in nanoscale and microscale heat transfer. It will focus on:

  1. Conductive heat transfer at short scales of length and time
  2. Thermal radiation at subwavelength scale
  3. Heat and mass transfer in nanofluids

The main topics of the seminar are:

  • Phonon, electron, mass transport
  • Thermal Metrology at Micro/Nanoscales
  • Computational Methods in Micro/Nanoscale Transport
  • Heat and Mass Transfer in Small Scale,
  • Nanofluids
  • Micro/Nanoscale Interfacial Transport Phenomena
  • Micro/Nanoscale Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer
  • Micro/Nanoscale Thermal Radiation
  • Micro/Nanoscale Energy Devices and Systems
  • Micro/Nano-Thermal Manufacturing and Materials Processing
  • Thermoelectricity/thermophotovoltaics
  • Biomedical Applications of Micro/Nanoscale Transport

→ Organizing committee

Termentzidis, LEMTA-CNRS, Nancy, France
Lacroix, LEMTA-Un. Lorraine, Nancy, France
Zianni, TEI of Sterea Ellada, Greece

→ Venue

The Eurotherm seminar 108 is organized by LEMTA under the auspices of Société Française de Thermique and will be held at the Petros M. Nomikos Conference Centre situated at Fira, the capital of Santorini island in GREECE.

Fira is known for its unique view over the caldera and the volcano of Santorini, with a history over 4000 years. Santorini is one of the most beautiful islands of archipelago of Cyclades, situated in the southern Aegean Sea. Santorini is located approximately 200 km (120 miles) southeast of Athens. It can be easily accessed by plane (direct flights from Athens, and a lot of European cities: London, Brussels, Zurich, Vienna, Paris, Oslo, Amsterdam).

Important Information

Abstract due: April 15, 2016
Notification of acceptance: June 1st, 2016
Article due: October 15, 2016

Journée thématique